Unleash Your Greatest Gift

Episode 33 – Join Mike Driggers As He Interviews Brandon Hintz About The Value Ladder On In The Now.

A true value ladder is mapping out your product/service offering to customers through visually growing and in ascending order of value that you provide to your clients as they get to know you.

The value ladder allows you to build trust, likability, and knowledge with your clients. As you provide more value to your clients from the point to where they get to know you to the point where they are buying more and more of your products or services that cater to your client’s needs and no matter where they are in the buying process.

A good example starts with posts where you provide some educational value and give something away for free to start to get to know you closely. This is the very bottom of the value ladder and starts the process. Then the next step in the ladder is to provide free content that you give to visitors form your website that they can download in exchange for their email address.

As your clients ascend the ladder, the value of your offers increases as each level increases and so does the cost to work with you.

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